Find function in Power Apps
The Find function finds a string of text, if it exists, within another string and returns the starting position of the string that was found. Position 1 is the first character of the string.
Power Apps Syntax Find(FindString, WithinString [, StartingPosition ])
• FindString - Required. The string to find.
• WithinString - Required. The string to search within.
• StartingPosition - Optional. The starting position to start searching. If we don’t define, its value is 1.
Example : In this example, we use a text label control to give a string data source. Set the Text property of the Label control to the “Ashish Goel is a developer.”
Case 1: Basic search
Power Apps Formula
Here, Label1 is the name of the Text label control.
Case 2: When multiple results are found
The find function returns the first result that it found in the string, ignore the rest.
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As the “sh” string is also available at position 5, but the find function return the first result.
Case 3: With StartingPosition Parameter
We can get the later result by using the StartingPosition parameter in the function, which is optional.
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In the above formula, the StartingPosition parameter value is 3, so the function starts its search from the 3rd character.
Case 4: Case Sensitive Search
The Find function is case sensitive. To ignore case, first use the Lower function on the arguments.
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The Find function returns blank if the string in which we are searching doesn't contain the string for which we are searching.
The use of Lower function on the arguments.
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