Microsoft Excel
In this course, we will learn, about the Microsoft Excel, click on any card topic of your choice and start learning.
Happy Learning!
Relative and absolute reference
In this exercise, we will learn about the relative-and-absolute-reference in excel.
Tables in Excel
In this exercise, we will learn about the tables in excel.
Sum Function in excel
In this exercise, we will learn about the sum function in excel.
Freeze rows and columns in excel
In this exercise, we will learn about how to freeze rows and columns in excel.
Add new rows and Columns
In this exercise, we will learn how to add a row and a column in excel.
If function in Excel
In this exercise, we will learn about the If function in excel.
Count function in Excel
In this exercise, we will learn about the count function in excel.
Min and Max function in Excel
In this exercise, we will learn about the min and max function in excel.