Structured Query Language (SQL)

Hi Everyone, welcome to our SQL course. In this course, we will learn, about the different SQL commands and various terms and concepts in SQL. Click on any card topic of your choice and start learning.
Happy Learning!

Common terms in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the various SQL terms used like Database, Database Management System, Schema, Object, and SQL itself.

Database in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the database in SQL.

Schema in SQL Server

In this exercise, we will learn about the schema in SQL server.

Comments in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the comments in SQL.

create table in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the create table command in SQL.

Show command in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the show command in SQL.

Insert into in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the insert into command in SQL.

Select command in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the Select command in SQL.

Aliases in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the aliases in SQL.

Update command in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the update command in SQL.

Drop table command in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the drop table command in SQL.

OR operator in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the OR operator in SQL.

NOT operator in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the NOT operator in SQL.

BETWEEN operator in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the BETWEEN operator in SQL.

AND operator in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the AND operator in SQL.

IN operator in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the IN operator in SQL.

LIKE operator in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the LIKE operator in SQL.

LENGTH function in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the LENGTH function in SQL.

REVERSE function in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the REVERSE function in SQL.

UPPER function in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the UPPER function in SQL.

SUM function in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the SUM function in SQL.

CONCAT function in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the CONCAT function in SQL.

LOWER function in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the LOWER function in SQL.

AVG function in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the AVG function in SQL.

REPLACE function in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the REPLACE function in SQL.

MIN and MAX function in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the MIN and MAX function in SQL.

COUNT function in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the COUNT function in SQL.

DESCRIBE command in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the DESCRIBE command in SQL.

DELETE command in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the DELETE command in SQL.

GROUP BY clause in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the GROUP BY clause in SQL.

Order By clause in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the Order By clause in SQL.

WHERE clause in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the WHERE clause in SQL.

Having clause in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the Having clause in SQL.

Stored Procedure in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the Stored Procedure in SQL.


In this exercise, we will learn about the VIEWS in SQL.


In this exercise, we will learn about the RENAME TABLE in SQL.

DISTINCT keyword in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the DISTINCT keyword in SQL.

LIMIT or TOP keyword in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the LIMIT or TOP keyword in SQL.

Variables in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the Variables in SQL.

Print command in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the Print command in SQL.

CASE WHEN statement in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the CASE WHEN statement in SQL.

DATEADD function in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the DATEADD function in SQL.

EOMONTH function in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the EOMONTH function in SQL.

CONVERT function in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the CONVERT function in SQL.

RANK function in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the RANK function in SQL.

ROW_NUMBER() function in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the ROW_NUMBER() function in SQL.

LAG() and LEAD() functions in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the LAG() and LEAD() functions in SQL.

UNION operator in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the UNION operator in SQL.

UNION ALL operator in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the UNION ALL operator in SQL.

WITH clause in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the WITH clause in SQL.

While clause in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the While clause in SQL.

LEFT function in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the LEFT function in SQL.

RIGHT function in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the RIGHT function in SQL.

COALESCE function in SQL

In this exercise, we will learn about the COALESCE function in SQL.


In this exercise, we will learn about the INNER JOIN in SQL.


In this exercise, we will learn about the LEFT JOIN in SQL.