Create table in SQL
We can create a table in SQL by using the following syntax.
SQL Syntax
create table table_name
column_name1 Data_Type,
column_name2 Data_Type,
column_name3 Data_Type
column_name1 Data_Type,
column_name2 Data_Type,
column_name3 Data_Type
create table employeedetails1 ( ID INT, name VARCHAR(20), age int, salary VARCHAR(10) );
- ID INT: Here the column name is ID, and it will store the employee ID as an integer.
- name VARCHAR(20): Here the column name is “name” will store the employee name as a variable-length string with a maximum of 20 characters.
- age INT: Here the column name is age and will store the employee age as an integer.
- salary VARCHAR(10): Here the column name is salary and will store the employee salary as a variable-length string with a maximum of 10 characters.
Create table as select syntax in sql
In SQL, the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT (CTAS) statement is used to create a new table from the result of a SELECT query. The syntax is:
CREATE TABLE new_table AS SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM existing_table WHERE condition;
CREATE TABLE employees_backup AS SELECT employee_id, first_name, last_name FROM employees WHERE department_id = 10;
This creates a new table “employees_backup” containing the employee_id, first_name, and last_name of employees from department 10.
If we want to create an empty table with the same structure as another, but without copying the data, we can do:
CREATE TABLE new_table AS SELECT * FROM existing_table WHERE 1 = 0;
This will create new_table with the same structure as existing_table, but no data will be inserted.