TOTALMTD DAX Function in Power BI
The TOTALMTD DAX function evaluates the value of the expression for the month to date, in the current context. "MTD" stands for "Month-to-Date," so TOTALMTD calculates a total for the current month up to the current date.
DAX Syntax TOTALMTD(expression, dates[,filter])
The function has the following parameters:
• expression: It specifies an expression that returns a scalar value.
• dates: It specifies the column that contains dates.
• filter: It is an optional parameter. An expression that specifies a filter to apply to the current context.
Example: Let’s create a measure with name TOTALMTD Measure.
TOTALMTD Measure = TOTALMTD(SUM(Sheet1[10th Marks]), 'Sheet1'[Dates])
The output of the above dax code is shown below:

Note: The value 2388 is the latest total Month to date value.