The CONTAINSSTRING function in DAX is a powerful text-search function in Power BI that checks whether a specific substring exists within a given text string. It returns a Boolean value: TRUE if the substring is found, and FALSE if it is not. This function is not case-sensitive.
DAX Syntax CONTAINSSTRING(text, substring)
The function has the following parameters:
- text: The string where we want to search for the substring. This could be a column value, a text constant, or an expression that evaluates to a text string.
- substring: The text we are searching for within the text. This must also be a text value.
Both text and substring must be of the Text data type.
Example: Let’s we have the following table named “Student List”.

Let’s create a calculated column.
CONTAINSSTRING Column = CONTAINSSTRING('Student List'[StudentName], "a")
The output of the above dax code is shown below: