Classification Model and Regression Model in AI

In this exercise, we will learn about the Artificial Intelligence and its related terms.

Classification Model Definition A classification model is a type of machine learning algorithm used to predict discrete class labels based on input features. It maps input data to a set of predefined categories or classes.
Key Characteristics

Common Algorithms


Regression Model Definition A regression model is a type of machine learning algorithm used to predict continuous numerical values. It learns the relationship between the dependent variable (target) and independent variables (features).
Key Characteristics


  1. Predicting house prices based on square footage, location, and number of bedrooms.
  2. Estimating the number of sales a store will make next month.
  3. Forecasting stock market trends.

Common Algorithms


Note: In a regression model, both the features (independent variables) and the target (dependent variable) should typically be numerical.
If we have categorical data, it must be converted into a numerical format using encoding techniques like:
* One-hot encoding: Creates binary columns for each category.
* Label encoding: Assigns a unique integer to each category.
If the target is categorical (e.g., labels or classes), a classification model should be used instead.