Attachments control in Power Apps

An attachment control allows users to download files to their device, as well as upload and delete files from a list created using Microsoft Lists, or a Microsoft Dataverse table. The Collections and Tables are not supported.

Add an Attachment control to the Power Apps

The following are the steps to add the attachment control to the form in power apps:

Step 1: Add a form to our app, and set a list as its data source.

Step 2: Select the Display Form control in the tree view on the left-hand side. We can also use Edit Form instead.

Step 3: Select Data Source in the Properties tab in the options panel on the right and then select the list or dataverse we connected to.

Step 4: Select Edit fields in Fields section and select Add field.

Step 5: Select the Attachments field and select Add. The Attachments field is not available if the Enable attachment is not checked in dataverse table.

Attachments in Power Apps

The Attachments field associated with the list will appear in the form.

There are the following properties of an attachment control:

1. Items The Attachment column of the list or Dataverse table.

2. MaxAttachments The MaxAttachments property specifies the maximum number of files the control will accept.

Attachments in Power Apps

3. MaxAttachmentSize The MaxAttachmentSize property specifies the maximum allowed file size in MB of each new attachment. 1 MB here is 1,000,000 bytes (106 B) or 1,000 KB.

Attachments in Power Apps

4. OnAddFile The OnAddFile property specify the actions to perform when the user adds a new file attachment.

Attachments in Power Apps

5. OnRemoveFile The OnRemoveFile property specifies the actions to perform when the user deletes an existing attachment.

Attachments in Power Apps

6. OnUndoRemoveFile The OnUndoRemoveFile property specifies the actions to perform when the user restores a deleted attachment.

Attachments in Power Apps

7. AddAttachmentText The AddAttachmentText specifies the label text for the link used to add a new attachment.

Attachments in Power Apps

8. MaxAttachmentsText The MaxAttachmentsText specifies the text that replaces the "Attach file" link when the control contains the maximum number of files allowed.

Attachments in Power Apps

Here, the Maximum limit is 6 files, when this reach the limit, the text shown is MaxAttachmentsText.

Attachments in Power Apps

9. NoAttachmentsText The NoAttachmentsText specifies the informational text shown to the user when there are no files attached.

Attachments in Power Apps

10. Size The Size property specifies the font size of the text that appears on a control.

Attachments in Power Apps