Table.HasColumns Function of Power Query

The Table.HasColumns function indicates whether the table contains the specified column(s). The function returns true if the table contains the column(s), false otherwise.


Table.HasColumns(table as table, columns as any) as logical

Example: Check CustomerID is the column in the given table.

Power Query M

  MyTable = Table.FromRecords(
      [CustomerID = 1, Name = "Ashish", Phone = "123-4567"], 
      [CustomerID = 2, Name = "Katrina", Phone = "987-6543"], 
      [CustomerID = 3, Name = "Alia", Phone = "543-7890"], 
      [CustomerID = 4, Name = "Vicky", Phone = "676-8479"], 
      [CustomerID = 5, Name = "Mohini", Phone = "574-8864"], 
      [CustomerID = 6, Name = "Meenakshi", Phone = "574-8864"], 
      [CustomerID = 7, Name = "Esha", Phone = "574-8864"], 
      [CustomerID = 8, Name = "Anjali", Phone = "574-8864"]
    Return = Table.HasColumns(MyTable, "CustomerID")

The output of the above function is true, because the column CustomerID is available in the given table.