Table.DemoteHeaders Function in Power Query
The Table.DemoteHeaders function demotes the header row i.e. the column names down into the first row of a table. The default column names are "Column1", "Column2" and so on.
Table.DemoteHeaders(table as table) as table
Example: Demote the first row of values in the table.
Power Query M
let MyTable = Table.FromRecords( { [CustomerID = 1, Name = "Ashish", Marks = 568], [CustomerID = 2, Name = "Katrina", Marks = 855], [CustomerID = 3, Name = "Alia", Marks = 380], [CustomerID = 4, Name = "Vicky", Marks = 458], [CustomerID = 5, Name = "Mohini", Marks = 278], [CustomerID = 6, Name = "Meenakshi", Marks = 289], [CustomerID = 7, Name = "Esha", Marks = 875], [CustomerID = 8, Name = "Anjali", Marks = 380] } ), Return = Table.DemoteHeaders(MyTable) in Return
The output of the above formula is shown below: