Color in Power Apps

In powerapps, we can specify colors of the controls in many ways:

a) By using the Color

We can specify colors by using the dot notation.

Example: i) Color.Yellow
ii) Color.Orange

b) By using the ColorValue function

We can specify text strings such as color names and hex-code notation (#).

Example: i) ColorValue("AliceBlue")
ii) ColorValue("#F55467")

c) ColorFade function

The ColorFade function in Power Apps returns a brighter or darker version of a color. The amount of fade varies from -1 or -100% (which fully darkens a color to black) to 0 (which doesn't affect the color) to 1 or 100% (which fully brightens a color to white).

Power Apps Syntax ColorFade( Color, FadeAmount )

Example:Step 1: Insert a Button control and set its Fill property to the following formula.

Power Apps Formula

ColorFade(Color.Red, 0.5)
ColorFade function in Canvas Power Apps

Step 2: Insert another Button control and set its Fill property to the following formula.

Power Apps Formula

ColorFade(Color.Red, 0)
ColorFade function in Canvas Power Apps

Step 3: Insert another Button control and set its Fill property to the following formula.

Power Apps Formula

ColorFade(Color.Red, -0.5)
ColorFade function in Canvas Power Apps

d) RGBA function

The RGBA function specifies the red, green, and blue components of a color from 0 to 255, and specify an alpha channel from 0% (fully transparent) to 100% (fully opaque).

Example: RGBA(255, 0, 255, 25%)

Several properties of a control are impacted by the color value:
1. Color
The Color property specifies the color of text in a control.

2. Fill
The Fill property specifies the background color of a control.

3. BorderColor The BorderColor property specifies the color of a control's border.

4. FocusedBorderColor The FocusedBorderColor property specifies the color of a control's border when it has focus.

5. DisabledBorderColor The DisabledBorderColor property specifies the color of a control's border if the control's DisplayMode property is set to Disabled.

6. DisabledColor The DisabledColor property specifies the color of text in a control if its DisplayMode property is set to Disabled.

7. DisabledFill
The DisabledFill property specifies the background color of a control if its DisplayMode property is set to Disabled.

8. HoverBorderColor
The HoverBorderColor property specifies the color of a control's border when the user over the control.

9. HoverColor The HoverColor property specifies the color of the text in a control when the user keeps the mouse pointer on it.

10. HoverFill
The HoverFill property specifies the background color of a control when the user keeps the mouse pointer on it.

11. PressedBorderColor
The PressedBorderColor property specifies the color of a control's border when the user taps or clicks that control.

12. PressedColor
The PressedColor property specifies the color of text in a control when the user taps or clicks that control.

13. PressedFill The PressedFill property specifies the background color of a control when the user taps or clicks that control.