Text.Range Function in Power Query
The Text.Range function returns the number of characters from a text value starting at a zero-based offset. An optional parameter, count, can be included to specify how many characters to return. Throws an error if there aren't enough characters.
Note: The first character in the text has index 0.
Example: Get the text from index starting at 5.
Power Query M
let Source = Text.Range("Ashish Coder is the best website.", 5) in Source
The output of the above code is “h Coder is the best website.”.
Example: Get the text from index starting at 5, and in the returned text only 10 characters should be there.
Power Query M
let Source = Text.Range("Ashish Coder is the best website.", 5, 10) in Source
The output of the above code is “h Coder is”.
Note: Space is also counted as character.
Example: Out of Range issue in Text.Range function.
Power Query M
let Source = Text.Range("Ashish Coder is the best website.", 5, 100) in Source
The output of the above code throws an error Out of range.