Text.EndsWith Function in Power Query

The Text.EndsWith function returns a logical value indicating whether a given text value substring was found at the end of the input string.

Note: If we are not specified any comparer function, then by default the comparison is case sensitive.


Text.EndsWith(text as nullable text, substring as text, optional comparer as nullable function) as nullable logical

Example: The comparison is case sensitive.

Power Query M

= Text.Contains("Ashish Goel", "Goel")

The output of the above code is true.

Example: The comparison is case sensitive.

Power Query M

= Text.Contains("Ashish Goel", "goel")

The output of the above code is false.

Example: By using the comparer function Comparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase. The comparison is case sensitive.

Power Query M

= Text.Contains("Ashish Goel", "goel", Comparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)

The output of the above code is true.