Table.FromPartitions Function in Power Query
The Table.FromPartitions function returns a table that is the result of combining a set of partitioned tables and a partition column. The type of the column can optionally be specified by the partitionColumnType parameter in the function, the default is any.
Note: Each partition should be a two-item list consisting of a unique key and an associated table.
Example: Suppose we have three tables that we want to combine.
Table1 table is shown below:

Table2 table is shown below:

Table3 table is shown below:

To combine all the three table we simply can use the Table.Combine function. This function combine all the rows of the table but it will not tell us that which row is coming from which table. To know about this we can use the Table.FromPartitions functions as shown below:
Power Query M
let Source = Table.FromPartitions( "Table", { {"table1 data", Table1}, {"table2 data", Table2}, {"table3 data", Table3}} ) in Source
The output of the above code is shown below: