List.Transform Function in Power Query
The List.Transform function performs the transform function on each item in the list and returns the result as the new list.
List.Transform(list as list, transform as function) as list
Example: If we want to generate a list of Months on the fly, we can use the following M code.
Power Query M
let Source = List.Transform({1 .. 12}, each Date.MonthName(#date(2024, _, 1))) in Source
The output of the above code is shown below:

Example: Add 1 in each value in the list.
Power Query M
let Source = List.Transform({1, 2}, each _ + 1) in Source
The output of the above code is shown below:

Power Query M
let Source = {"Ashish", "Esha", "Alia", "Diksha", "Katrina"}, transformed = List.Transform(Source, (a)=> if Text.StartsWith(a, "A") then "yes" else "no") in transformed
The output of the above code is shown below: